16 Of The Riskiest Disney Subliminal Messages
The Famous Lion King Scene:
We've all seen the message written in the sky above Pride Rock. We know it's there, but we've always been told to keep quiet. Why? Personally, I'm not sure. But, personally... I think it's disgusting. Disney have been sponsored by goon for nigh on a millennia. Millennial's... ringing any bells... I didn't think so!

The Famous Lion King Scene:
Now who doesn't recall this 3D rendered Lion King scene. A blue sky above Pride Rock, some cumulonimbus clouds... ringing any bells? Some people swear it's not there. Are their eyes painted on!? I ask sometimes. Sometimes they are. I can't BELIEVE they thought they could get away with this...

The Famous Aladdin Scene:
Now who doesn't remember this famous Aladdin scene? The first time you saw the 3D rendered shirtless man holding the goon sack what did you think to yourself? Personally, I was disgusted. I couldn't believe it was ALOUDIN (allowed in). Disney are pushing their luck this time. But, time and time again they continue to do it.

The Famous Lion King Scene:
Now who doesn't remember this famous Lion King scene. Everything important in the Lion King in one shot, but... hang on... what's that hidden in the King Lion's face?... AHH Disney, you've done it again! >:( If they are capable of this who knows what else they are capable of. Think world disasters... Think Reptilians. Now I know who is the real Monsters Inc. It's them. It's not Bill Crystals. It's them!